The Story...
This project was created in part after many conversations during my medical education regarding a lack of a standardized Medical Spanish curriculum that was accessible to everyone. In our amazing OB/GYN rotation, we were given the opportunity to create QI projects or presentations. I chose Medical Spanish for OB/GYN since I saw that one of the major challenges of many non-native Spanish speakers was pronunciation. This project began as a rushed PowerPoint presentation, and after many frustrated attempts at expanding it in such a limiting platform, I determined it could only be completed as a website.
Communicating with patients in their native language is ideal though not always possible. Limited Spanish-speaking clinicians unfortunately lead to pertinent information miscommunicated with possible clinical implications. These lessons are not a replacement for professional interpreter services, but rather as a refresher for individuals with a solid foundation in basic Spanish conversation skills.
A lot of my heart, time (hundreds of hours) and money went into keeping this project going and cost-free for peers. I hope it comes in handy in your rotations, clinic, or whatever professional pathway you may be on.
Studying linguistics made me grateful to have grown up bilingual. Although a native Spanish speaker, I continue to learn medical Spanish everyday. It often feels like another language. I know I'm not alone in this sentiment.
Programs that taught Medical Spanish curriculum at a nationwide level cost up to $500 per student for a one-year access. A lot of us don't have that type of money, and it discourages learning. I decided to create this website, investing my own time and money to provide resources to my peers for free.
Miau is "meow" in Spanish.
It also stands for "Medicina Inclusiva, Asociacíon Unida" which means "United Association for Inclusive Medicine" (UAIM - miau backwards).
Just kidding. However, my feline associate does happen to be bilingual.
I often create ridiculous narratives of my cat's life, so this is another medium for that.
This site is not associated with any real (or fictional) organization or institution. Please don't sue me (or my cat, she's unemployed).
My colleagues (human and feline) and I all had long, difficult journeys as older, non-traditional students. Even in medical school, we took detours and made the best of every new challenge. Throughout these years, we have remained dedicated to our mission to reduce disparities in healthcare. We love to take part in educational efforts for our community and colleagues. If there are any mistakes on here in Spanish it's 100% on me as the scatterbrained founder and webmaster.
This website is not a substitute for interpreter services. Always use interpreter services for non-English (or limited English) speaking patients. Patients can decline for themselves, but they must be presented with the option of language assistance.
Circumstances are unique in emergency situations (traumas, ED, OB/GYN), so please refer to your specific departmental guidelines for proper use of [certified, preferably] bilingual staff.
Real fluency in a foreign language, especially as adult learners, takes years.
There are several phases planned out for this website. The timeline is roughly the following:
1. Completing the Medical Interview. Content only.
2. OBGYN - Current Sections Pending need content completion.
3. Pediatrics - Currents Sections.
4. Audio Files to the above.
5. Anatomy vocabulary lists.
I noticed a mistake in a translation, what should I do?
A: Please do not hesitate to send a correction through the "Contact Us" chatbox in every page. It notifies what page it was submitted from, so the correction can be made ASAP. You can use it on the page where you found the error and let us know. It is imperative that the content is 100% correct to eliminate clinical errors. There will be variations in translations that are not exact, but the clinical info should not be compromised.
I think [section] is missing an important topic. Is there any chance you can add it?
A: Absolutely! Please message me. Again, using the chat box in the page that you think is missing valuable info, would be the easiest way. I keep track of requests and once I catch up with the initial content phase, I will review all your wonderful suggestions.
Will you be adding other specialities besides OB/GYN?
A: My schedule pretty hectic, so I am prioritizing unfinished sections before taking on all the specialities. Currently in the works are OBGYN, Pediatrics, and Primary Care.
Who is that beautiful cat I keep seeing on the website?
A: That would be Kenzi, aka Beta, Betita, Kenzita, Kenzenia, Principessa Kenzenia, psp-psp-psp. She is not only a brilliant associate but also a client.